Friday, August 29, 2008

Sparky now Available and Returnable through Baker & Taylor

Hi there-

Great news!!! Sparky is now being stocked at the Baker & Taylor warehouses.  Baker & Taylor is the largest book and entertainment distributor.  They have been in business for 180 years.  They are the wholesaler of choice for retailers and libraries worldwide.  Basically any Bookstores or library now has access to purchasing Sparky the Wonderfish.  Borders Bookstores and Barnes & Noble Bookstores are currently stocking the book!  Please feel free to go to your local bookstore and order "Sparky" today!  Maybe the demand will get even more books in the warehouse.  I will of course keep you posted on progress from my end.

Talk soon,


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sparky at the West Hollywood Book Fair!!!

Exciting news!  Sparky the Wonderfish was chosen as a featured title.  I will be doing a 2 hour signing!  I also have a booth for the day (10AM to 6PM) at the 7th Annual West Hollywood Book Fair on September 28th. 
I don't know which 2 hours it will be yet so, I will keep you posted!
Please come and bring your kids!!!

Gillian & Sparky

Sparky in stock at Borders Bookstores!

I am happy to announce that Sparky the Wonderish is now available at the Borders Bookstore in Torrance, Calif.  And we are in the process of getting into others as well.  We have readings and signings coming up too!  Buy a book today and make someone happy!!!

Talk soon,

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sparky is Green!

Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of how love creates magic is GREEN in every way
because it is zero waste printing, on recycled paper, from sustainable forests and on...

So YEAH! Sparky is helping the planet!!!
