It's Friday, January 16th at about 4:00PM... I was just washing my lunch dishes (pasta alfredo with chicken, and a gorgonzola and tomato salad - yumm!) it occurred to me I always thought my Sparky book would appeal most to kids 3 - 8 years old. The more Readings, Signings, Q & A's that I do however, the more I realize kids as young as 1 & 2 years old are keeping focused and entertained and kids as old as 5th & 6th grade, are going crazy for it.
During the Q & A's, the kids ask me all kinds of questions about how to write a book, about the inspiration and the illustrations... about Sparky's life, other sea creatures and animals. They ask if I'm writing a sequel, do I have other books, when are the "Big Word Books" coming out... Teachers tell me with a lot of these kids it is difficult to get them to read at all. Teachers have said, after hearing Sparky read to them and getting their questions answered, the same kids are not only excited to read, but are interested in writing as well! It is remarkable. There were 90 plus kids for a couple of events and afterwards they swarmed me like a rock star. They wanted autographs, photos taken, they argued about who would help me to the car with my stuff. WOW, cool. Love creating magic...
Anyway, just felt like jotting down a few quick thoughts. Now I am going back to my Cafe Press account, where I am redesigning and adding many more products to my Sparky the Wonderfish Shop. That is where, on my site it says "Purchase Gifts & Clothing".
By for now!
Have a great weekend!
Gillian & Sparky