Yesterday I received an email from Adriana Rosales the Library Coordinator at the Washington Accelerated Elementary School to Read & Sign Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of how love creates magic Thursday, April 30th. Grades K through 5, the school has over 800 students. They will be pre-ordering books for the event.
the President of GLAWS has asked me to Chair the Booksellers Events. We are joining forces with Barnes & Noble Booksellers. Our first event is June 13, 14 2009 at The Grove location. I believe Sparky and I will be kicking off the event. We are planning to do one Barnes & Noble Booksellers event per month. Hopefully we can begin the same situation with Borders Bookstores as well. I would like our first in that series to be the Borders Torrance, CA location.
Good news! On Friday I called the Barnes & Noble on Pico Blvd. in Los Angeles. (I went there a few weeks ago and was told they were sold out of the 25 books they purchased for my book signing.) I asked if they were going to re-order. I was told, they had already reordered and stocked 7 more books and would continue to do so. He said at their store alone, they sold 14 books in one month. He said that is a very good number and suggested I contact more locations to stock Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of how love creates magic... because it is selling so well!
Sparky and I have been chosen to be a featured author and title at the LA Times Festival of Books at UCLA on April 25th, 26th.
I will be signing books at booth 631.
Saturday, April 25th - from 12:00PM until 2:00PM
Sunday, April 26th - from 2:00PM until 4:00PM