Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gillian on Marketing Panel for GLAWS Sat. March 20th 3:00PM!

Date: March 20th, 2010
Time: 3:00PM
Place: Palms Rancho-Park Library
Ray Bradbury Room-upstairs
2920 Overland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Hi there-

I was asked by GLAWS president, Tony Todaro to discuss the success of my children's picture book, Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of how love creates magic and to sit on a marketing panel for the Greater Los Angeles Writers Society.

There will be a panel of three marketing professionals, followed by a panel of six authors including me. It should be great information for those interested in being successful at sales and exposure. It's about more than just writing a good book these days...

Come give a listen!
