Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sparky's Private Reading was Amazing!

Hello again!

Sparky and I had a terrific time on Sunday reading at a private home!  They made this adorable Sparky cake which was so sweet.  I read the book and gave out stickers and we all colored Sparky Coloring Pages.  The kids really liked it and I got the chance to have long conversations with the parents.  It turned out that one of the mothers had worked with Sir Ridley Scott on several films (I worked with Ridley editing his "Blade Runner: The Final Cut").  She is also friends with one of the producers of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth".  She said she would pass my Gulf Coast dream of a Reading & Donating tour on to her (for the children affected by hurricane Katrina & hope to give money to Global Green for their rebuilding efforts).  I have spoken with Global Green and to The Wonder of Books to see if we can all join forces...

I'll keep you posted,

This is a picture of little Emily and Grace Delossa and artwork by Emily.