Monday, April 6, 2009

"Sparky the Wonderfish" Gulf Coast Hope & Literacy Tour!

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Moving forward with plans...
We are working very hard on the "Sparky the Wonderfish Gulf Coast Hope & Literacy Tour" taking my children's book "Sparky The Wonderfish" and using this "story of how love creates magic" to help rebuild the Gulf Coast disaster areas, aimed towards the educational wants and needs of the children effected by these disasters i.e. schools, libraries, hospitals.  There have been many more hurricanes since Katrina which have continued to batter the Gulf Coast. We need to increase attention in these areas and support the children who continue to suffer from these hurricanes and devastation to their lives and their hope for the future. I am planning a tour along the Gulf Coast reading and donating books and supplies. I have joined forces with an artistic director for an internationally owned private school on the central coast. Her brother lives on the Gulf Coast and is helping us connect with the right people there.  I will be traveling to the Gulf Coast to do further "boots on the ground" research to determine the specific stops we will make and what the exact needs are as far as books and supplies.  We are also pursuing print and media attention to support our efforts and we need your support.  We are interested in joining forces with organizations or corporations who would help contribute to this cause (or if anyone knows how to forward this plan to Oprah or Ellen...) We appreciate any and all sponsorship!!!  My goal is to renew interest along the Gulf Coast by reading and donating my books and supplies to the kids as well as to raise money to build at least one new green school and library.  We need to get peoples lives back on track and increase HOPE & LITERACY - it's been messed up along the Gulf Coast for way too long!!!