Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Joining forces with THE WONDER OF READING!

Last week at the Euclid Ave. Elementary School Grand Opening several really cool things happened.  Besides it being so fun already, I was approached by a woman from THE WONDER OF READING program.  They supplied the books for the new library at Euclid Ave.  The Wonder of Reading focuses on Los Angeles's most disadvantaged children.  They use the 3R's Program (Renovate, Restock and Read).  They have successfully renovated 187 libraries and overseen the purchase of more than $2,000,000 worth of new books.  The Program Coordinator, Eliza Karagezian asked me to join in their efforts and read at as many of their schools as I could, and I said YES, I would love to.  That is what Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of how love creates magic is all about, helping the underdog and triumph over adversity.  So I am thrilled to help with their literacy program.  I will be joining forces with them starting in early 2009.

I was also asked by the Principal to return to the Euclid Ave. Elementary School to read Sparky to more of their classes.  I think they are going to make Sparky the Wonderfish their book of the month, which would mean all grades will be reading Sparky and doing a book report on it!  So great!

Sparky's Private Reading was Amazing!

Hello again!

Sparky and I had a terrific time on Sunday reading at a private home!  They made this adorable Sparky cake which was so sweet.  I read the book and gave out stickers and we all colored Sparky Coloring Pages.  The kids really liked it and I got the chance to have long conversations with the parents.  It turned out that one of the mothers had worked with Sir Ridley Scott on several films (I worked with Ridley editing his "Blade Runner: The Final Cut").  She is also friends with one of the producers of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth".  She said she would pass my Gulf Coast dream of a Reading & Donating tour on to her (for the children affected by hurricane Katrina & hope to give money to Global Green for their rebuilding efforts).  I have spoken with Global Green and to The Wonder of Books to see if we can all join forces...

I'll keep you posted,

This is a picture of little Emily and Grace Delossa and artwork by Emily.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Barnes & Noble Raffle Winner's Coloring Page!

I am finally getting around to posting the Coloring Page that the Raffle Winner colored when I had my Barnes & Noble Reading / Signing on November 8th at the Westside Pavilion.  The little boy's name was Christopher.  After I read the book to about 20 people I gave away Sparky Stickers and then everyone Colored Sparky, even the parents!  Then I decided to Raffle off a FREE Signed Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of ow love creates magic book.  Christopher was very excited and happy to hear I would post his art on my website!

See you soon!
Gillian & Sparky

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Photos from Euclid Ave. Elementary School Library Grand Opening! (Fri. Dec. 5th 2008)

The Euclid Ave. Library Grand Opening was amazing!  Hundreds of people were there as well as press, for the event.  During the event the kids sang songs about reading and about the new library.  There was then a ribbon cutting ceremony and I read Sparky to a select group of kids.  They were awesome and so sweet.  They had me sign all of the Sparky items I gave them like the postcards and coloring pages.  Two of the kids asked to help take all of my gear to my car, which was so sweet!  The Principal of the schools invited me to be their next book of the month and come back to read to many of their classes.  I also met the coordinator of "The Wonder of Reading" who supplied the new library with new books.  She asked me to join forces with them and read Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of how love creates magic to all of the LA schools that they represent this coming year!  Sparky is (hopefully) BLOWING UP!!!

Talk soon,
Gillian (and Sparky of course!)

Pasadena Reading & Signings were AWESOME!

Last week I read and signed Sparky at four libraries in Pasadena.  At the first, there were 80 kids.  2nd and 3rd graders who LOVED Sparky.  We had a Q&A afterwards and the kids asked so many wonderful questions and got very excited about the writing process.  Their teacher invited me to their school and to meet the principal.  They invited me to do more readings at the school on January 14th!  These are some photos from all the fun that week!

See you soon,
Gillian & Sparky

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Photos from Hastings Reading & Raffle Winner Art!

These are photos from the Hastings library reading from december 3rd.  It was all little babies and kids 1, 2 and 3 year olds...  Later that day I had another Reading & Signing for kids slightly older and I held a raffle and gave away a FREE autographed Sparky the Wonderfish: A story of how love creates magic book to the winner!  As always, I let them know that I would post the winning artist's coloring page here on my website.  This winner was Olivia Leddie!  The fun was a blast for us all and I can't wait to do it again!!!

More soon,